Coaching In The Workplace

As a leader, growing new talent, continuing to develop others, and sparking a renewed sense of purpose in your seasoned professionals, is a great opportunity and responsibility. You need to do it well. This keynote will teach you the steps and skills required to start having meaningful coaching conversations in the workplace.

Overview of Keynote

Coaching in the workplace is one of the many practices leaders need to learn and master to support their teams. It’s not how good you are that matters; it’s how good your employees can be and how well you can unleash their potential that counts.

Regardless of if you are a newly appointed supervisor or a seasoned executive, the benefits of coaching are vast. Coaching provides an opportunity for your employees to experience fresh perspectives on organizational challenges and opportunities, improved thinking and decision-making skills, enhanced interpersonal effectiveness, better communication, and increased employee engagement.

This keynote will teach you the steps and skills needed to start having meaningful coaching conversations in your workplace. But the power of coaching conversations extends beyond the fall walls of the business, improving your employees’ lives and skills. This keynote will start you off with a solid framework to lead your teams to optimal performance.

“Coaching is the universal language of change and learning.”


Learning Objectives

Discover what a coaching approach is and what role emotional intelligence plays.

Recognize the significance of cultivating a coaching culture in the workplace.

Learn the six steps and practice coaching using our coaching with emotional intelligence model.

Learn to help your teams move forward on their goals through coaching conversations.

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