Change is inevitable.
The exponential growth in knowledge over the past centuries have made storing, retaining and retrieving information easier than ever, with most questions today being answered in a simple click of a button. Organizations are experiencing a changing workforce, with new generations entering and older generations leaving; each leaving behind (or bringing in) their distinct characteristics. Organizations must utilize a strong change management strategy when integrating a new generation into their workforce. In addition to having a multigenerational workforce, companies are also seeing employees from a variety of backgrounds and cultures from increased rates of immigration throughout the past decades. Furthermore, valuable skill sets will also be changing, as new technologies are developed and different industries are booming.
Change is all around us. A concept that has been critical then AND now in adapting to change is emotional intelligence.
A Deeper Dive into Emotional Intelligence
Before we dive deeper into this topic, let’s discuss a couple of basic concepts we’ll be referring to quite a bit throughout this blog.
Emotional intelligence refers to “understanding emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth”. Emotional intelligence can be divided into five composite scales, which you can learn more about here.

Emotional Intelligence: Our Version of the LBD (Little Black Dress)

When Coco Chanel came out with the Little Black Dress in 1926, it was a simple, straight dress that came down to the calves. A century later, this still remains as a timeless piece within the fashion industry. So why has this piece stayed so relevant within the fashion industry? The answer was simple – it was simple, universal and accessible for women of all social classes.
Similar to the little black dress, emotional intelligence sticks with us because it is a universal concept. We’re all human, and are innately emotional beings. While how you feel will change as you’re presented with different situations, the only constant you have is the fact that you are continually feeling something – whether it be a roller coaster of myriad of emotions or stagnancy of the same emotion.
Why is Emotional Intelligence Considered a Timeless Resource?
Emotions don’t discriminate against anyone. It’s our universal language. Before we are employees, peers, friends, parents, partners, and everything in between, we are human, and that fact will never change. We may have a never ending supply of new problems caused by new changes in our lives, but we’ll always still feel some sort of emotion when problems arise. Learning how to deal with unexpected and uncomfortable situations will always be a key asset to have, especially when change is right around the corner, ready to strike anytime.

Compassion as a Managerial Tactic
As Theordore Roosevelt once said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
Compassion is composed of three main components: understanding or empathizing with others and their problems, showing love and care for others, and selflessly helping others in need. There’s an added layer of altruism within compassion where the giver often doesn’t expect to receive anything in return.
With most of the workforce in 2025 composed of Millennials and people like Generation Z Gina, leading your team with an iron fist won’t be accepted or effective. Being cognizant that Generation Z and Millennials find value in connecting with their peers, doing meaningful work and self-improvement, leaders can find value in utilizing emotional intelligence and empathy when giving feedback.
For instance, let’s say there’s a Gen Z marketing intern at your firm who’s interested in learning more about data analytics that drive the marketing strategy. A leader demonstrating characteristics of emotional intelligence would be able to become aware of their employee’s needs, and would try to support this employee in learning more about analytics by allowing them to shadow others in their job, and by giving them more tasks related to analytics.
By supporting your employees and understanding the emotional makeup of your workforce, you’ll be better able to manage, and show appreciation and compassion towards your team effectively. By understanding their needs, you’ll be able to deliver on them, and make your employees feel cared for. At the end of the day, employees are human beings, and humans want to be cared for. They want to know their opinions and thoughts matter. While intelligence is important, attitude matters more.
How can we learn Emotional Intelligence?
Do you think it’s too late to develop your emotional intelligence skills? That won’t ever be the case.
Emotional intelligence is something that we continue learning, as we gain more life experience and deal with more unexpected changes and situations. Many of our online workshops and keynotes provide information regarding emotional intelligence so you can bring them back to your team and office.
Emotional intelligence isn’t something that is going to go away anytime soon. It’s far from a trend, but something that will stay prevalent in the workforce for years to come. Leadership driven by emotional intelligence is timeless and will always be a crucial aspect in managing any team.
Are you ready to learn the universal language of emotional intelligence?
Do you have a firm understanding of leading with emotional intelligence, as well as the makeup of your team? Book a call with me here; I’d love to listen and provide support in any way I can.
If you are interested in learning more about why bringing emotional intelligence into your workplace is essential, check out our blog – Why Emotional Intelligence is Important in the Workplace. Alternatively, if you think your whole team would benefit from building their Emotional Intelligence skills, check out our workshops.
To learn more about emotional intelligence and how it impacts your organization, sign up for our biweekly newsletter here, where you will receive our latest updates, an inventory of resources, and much more!