March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day – marked my birthday. And, turning 53 got me thinking in a whole new way. I realized something pretty darn...
Emotional Intelligence Blogs
My 2023 Wins and Misses
How is it almost 2024? Where did the time go? As I gear up for the new year, I’ve been reflecting on my personal journey this past year. Doing so...
Behind The Scenes of Writing a Book
My vision. Writing a book seems like a glamorous experience that every thought-leader takes on with ease. I always envisioned waking up with a cup...
All About The Emotionally Strong Leader
Emotions are your strength Have you ever felt that being emotional is a sign of weakness? I’m here to tell you that, as a matter of fact, you can...
It’s Time To Embrace Emotional Expression
Don’t fear your emotions Emotions are our way of expressing ourselves and building relationships with others. We depend on them to enhance our...
Optimizing Your Recruitment Processes
Hiring new employees is expensive and costly. It’s been found that “an average company loses anywhere between 1% and 2.5% of their total revenue in...
How to Build the Best Workplace
When you left your office that Friday afternoon last March, little did you know that that would be the last time you’d enter your office for the...
Creating Conflict to Inspire More
Conflict is often seen in a negative light, and often more than not, evokes a distaste when brought up. When looking up “words associated with...
Celebrating 15 Years of Carolyn Stern & Associates Inc.
Time does pass by quickly when you're doing what you love. Fifteen years ago, when I left my 9-5 position as a Marketing Director, I would've never...