Emotionally Strong Leadership
This blog provides tips and tools to help you become the emotionally strong leader you aspire to be.
My hope is that you will leave inspired to build your emotional intelligence. Get ready for a new perspective on emotions! They are transient, subjective, and incredibly personal, but they can provide incredible insight when you look for it—and these blog posts will show you how.
Emotionally Strong Leadership
Welcome to Carolyn’s blog which provides tips and tools that brings us to the best versions of ourselves and helps us become the emotionally strong leaders we aspire to be.
Carolyn’s hope is that you will leave inspired to build your emotional intelligence. Her blogs give us a new perspective on emotions—they are transient, subjective, and incredibly personal, but they can provide incredible insight when you look for it—and her blogs shows us how”.
Emotionally Strong Leadership
Welcome to Carolyn’s blog which provides tips and tools that brings us to the best versions of ourselves and helps us become the emotionally strong leaders we aspire to be.
Carolyn’s hope is that you will leave inspired to build your emotional intelligence. Her blogs give us a new perspective on emotions—they are transient, subjective, and incredibly personal, but they can provide incredible insight when you look for it—and her blogs shows us how”.
How To Make A Change Stick
Few organizations have escaped the need to change, as new generations of workers have entered the...
I Told You So, Sincerely Your Intuition
Our intuition is the first thing to kick in when we are faced with a decision, and of course, we...
Public Scrutiny & Being a Leader
When you are a leader, anyone who has an interest in what you are doing will closely scrutinize...
What is Your Passion?
In celebration of my 10-year business anniversary, I have finally started to put my labour where...
How to Create Your Own Opportunities
Have you ever wondered why some of the people in your life seem to have a blessed life? They...
The Tale of Three Friendly Ghosts
A few years ago, I was asked to speak in front of about 2,000 new Capilano University students at...
Be Your Own Brand
What do people think of, when they think of you? Do you know what they think of you? Or… an even...
Target Missed the Mark
In the 1989 movie, Field of Dreams, Iowa farmer, baseball enthusiast, Ray Kinsella (Kevin...
New Year’s Resolutions: All Talk, No Action
“I am going to lose 20 pounds.” “I plan on going to the gym three times a week.” “I am going to...
How Trump’s Promise for Change Trumped Emotional Intelligence
With the US 2016 Presidential Election results in, and Donald Trump now officially the...
Shift Happens
When I first enrolled in Royal Roads’ Masters of Arts in Leadership program, I felt frustrated...