With the world of work constantly evolving with fluctuating skills gaps and employers prioritizing new skills over others, it is vital that employees and managers are constantly following these trends, and understanding which areas they can upskill so they are in the best position possible.
Why is This Important?

How Can I Take an Inventory of Myself?
The DISC Assessment is a personal assessment tool used by more than one million people every year to help improve teamwork, communication, and productivity in the workplace. Determining how dominant, influential, conscientious, and steady you are, the DISC model places you on a graph where you can determine what type of work environment you work best in, and what kind of people you would work best with as well. It allows you to accommodate your style of working to your teammates and provide insight on how you can best be supported in doing your best work.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) is an assessment that measures an individual’s preference in four key areas to understand personality styles and can provide great insight into your learning, team, and career development at your organization. Assigning each individual to one of sixteen personality types, the MBTI measures an individual’s point on the spectrum between Extraversion and Introversion, Judgment and Perception, Thinking and Feeling, and Sensing and Intuition. From the MBTI, individuals can understand how those around them perceive the world, and their values, which can provide a lot of insight into incidents of miscommunication and misunderstanding.
As for the EQ Assessment, it allows you to grasp how you would respond in stressful situations. By determining how self-aware, socially aware, how well you manage yourself, and the relationships around you, employers can note if you can control your emotions and how you would respond in various situations.
From any of these three options, you can gather a report and begin analyzing the areas of development in your life. However, it is worth noting that taking these assessments will only provide you with your specific strengths and areas of development at that very moment in time. Humans rebound to change, and so will your results as more time passes and you experience more experiences. Therefore, it is recommended that you continually take these assessments so you aren’t left with a past snapshot of who you were, but are constantly aware of who you are evolving to be.
Where do I go from here?

Or learn more about working through difficult times through our Emotional Intelligence Keynote or about developing your communication skills through our Communicating with an Impact keynote.
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