A recently released Gallup study found that over 48% of America's working population is actively job searching while businesses are facing a...
Leadership Blogs
The Beauty of Turning a Leader Into a Coach
Changing your leadership approach from a boss to a coach shifts your mindset from managing workloads and directing others to empowering employees to...
Transformation Rarely Happens Accidentally
“No leader ever got anything extraordinary done without the talent and support of others. Leadership is a team sport, and you need to engage others...
Optimizing Your Recruitment Processes
Hiring new employees is expensive and costly. It’s been found that “an average company loses anywhere between 1% and 2.5% of their total revenue in...
Then vs. Now: Changes in Norms
We’ve been working in the digital world for a year now, and I think it’s fair to say we’ve gotten used to the WFH (work from home) routine. Joining...
Top 3 Benefits of Welcoming Emotions at Work
Emotions hold great power; they are the driving force behind our actions. Emotions directly impact our decisions by subconsciously running in the...
Why Emotional Intelligence is Important in the Workplace
Why is learning about emotional intelligence so important in the workplace? Being attuned to your emotions, understanding them and taking the...
Public Scrutiny & Being a Leader
When you are a leader, anyone who has an interest in what you are doing will closely scrutinize your every move – your formal decisions, informal...
How Trump’s Promise for Change Trumped Emotional Intelligence
With the US 2016 Presidential Election results in, and Donald Trump now officially the President-Elect of the United States, the question that so...