Using EQ to cope with stress during COVID-19 will help you manage your anxiety and worries. Since mid-March 2020, news about the coronavirus has...
Emotional Intelligence Blogs
Using EQ to Lead a Multigenerational Workforce
Have you complained about your co-worker – a newly hired graduate, fresh out of school – because she does not want to do some tasks? Or have you...
The Dark Side of Decision Making
Being empowered and leading with emotional intelligence is one of the best tools I have ever come across and is the reason I do what I do. I don't...
The Dark Side of Interpersonal
In 1995, when Daniel Goleman published his book, Emotional Intelligence - Why It Can Matter More than IQ, very few had heard of the term. Fast...
The Dark Side of Self Expression
Emotional intelligence is emotional and social skills that influence how we perceive ourselves, express and manage our emotions, maintain social...
The Dark Side of Self Perception
People with high levels of emotional intelligence are more self-aware, better able to regulate their emotions, and can cope well during stressful or...
Why Emotional Intelligence is Important in the Workplace
Why is learning about emotional intelligence so important in the workplace? Being attuned to your emotions, understanding them and taking the...
Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom
When it comes to hiring, many companies regard emotional intelligence (EI) as important as technical ability and even go so far as to do EQ testing...
Leading With Emotional Intelligence Course
We have designed an online training platform, offering a variety of emotional intelligence courses that can be tailored to meet your specific...