Two hundred years ago, carpentry and hand-sewing were considered some of the most important and valuable skills to have. With the onset of the...
Professional Development Blogs
The Power of Emotional Intelligence in a Digital Age
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the landscape of the traditional work-day. The physical office setting has transformed to an at-home office, and...
Leading With Emotional Intelligence Course
We have designed an online training platform, offering a variety of emotional intelligence courses that can be tailored to meet your specific...
The Key to Opening Doors
How many people do you know who are highly intelligent and brilliant but have not succeeded in their professional or personal lives? How many times...
Branding Makes a Difference
Over ten years ago, I was a high school teacher. One of the courses I taught was entrepreneurship, where I educated grade 12 students how to run a...
How To Make A Change Stick
Few organizations have escaped the need to change, as new generations of workers have entered the market, new technologies have reshaped entire...
How to Create Your Own Opportunities
Have you ever wondered why some of the people in your life seem to have a blessed life? They always have such good luck, and always seem to be in...
The Tale of Three Friendly Ghosts
A few years ago, I was asked to speak in front of about 2,000 new Capilano University students at our campus orientation. I wrote a fairy tale to...