Being asked to be the final keynote speaker at graduation is an honour in itself. When I was asked to deliver the final keynote for the 2021...
Emotional Intelligence Blogs
Then & Now: Emotional Intelligence
Change is inevitable. The exponential growth in knowledge over the past centuries have made storing, retaining and retrieving information easier...
Top 3 Benefits of Welcoming Emotions at Work
Emotions hold great power; they are the driving force behind our actions. Emotions directly impact our decisions by subconsciously running in the...
The Power of Emotional Intelligence in a Digital Age
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the landscape of the traditional work-day. The physical office setting has transformed to an at-home office, and...
Using EQ to Stay Motivated
What is motivation? When we look at the dictionary, it is defined as the reasoning behind our actions and behaviour. However, that does not give us...
Battling Burnout with Emotional Intelligence
This month has a lot of people saying, “New year, same struggles”. 2021 is not off to an award-winning start, and a lot of the obstacles people were...
Why Emotions Matter in the Workplace
The myth that showing emotion is weakness, can easily be debunked by emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the proof behind why emotions...
The Future of Work Depends on Emotional Intelligence
The norms of the workplace have changed drastically over the last couple of decades and COVID-19 has accelerated that process, leaving everyone to...
Communicating Together Apart
Communicating together apart has become a new reality. Earlier this year, millions of people were sent home to work remotely without any warning....