Improving Your Decision Making Ability With EI

Improve your decision making with this six-part video series. This program is essential in every organization as often people struggle to make decisions effectively, especially when emotions are involved. The course will focus on the three competencies which make up the decision making composite: problem-solving, reality testing and impulse control allowing for structured, analytical and rational decision making.

Course Description

This course will train you to control your emotions to make calm, clear, and objective decisions by applying your emotional intelligence to your decision-making ability.

Once you learn how to apply emotional information to help, and not hurt the decision-making process, you’ll be able to develop a systemic approach to problem-solving. This course will train you to be equipped with the tools to make rational and analytical decisions using emotional intelligence.

This course includes six videos, target exercises, activities, and reflection pieces to train you on the three competencies which make up the decision-making composite: problem-solving, reality testing and impulse control. You will master how to pinpoint and regulate your emotions to ensure you decide on the best line of action and gain objectivity in the decisions you make.

Program Overview

Improve your decision-making ability with emotional intelligence and learn how to control your emotions to make calm, clear and objective decisions. Making effective decisions is a critical skill one must learn in the workplace, whether you are a new leader or a seasoned professional. This online program shows you how.

Learning Objectives

Learn an 8-step framework to help you identify the best course to take when solving a problem.

Explore the importance of thinking big picture and replacing your biased thoughts and assumptions.

Discover a technique for root cause analysis.

Adjust your mindset and methodology to think more objectively.

Gain an understanding of how regulating your emotions will allow you to act more logically and less impulsive.